This week was.. (heart eye emoji)
SO GOOD. Transfers are on Wednesday so that means transfer calls
were on Saturday. Such a scary day. We held our breath and avoided the
phone like the plague. But low and behold we got a call. Luckily Sis. B
and I are both staying in Stevenson Ranch :) and I finally hit my 12
week mark!
But a slight catch, President called me and asked me to be
the Sister Training Leader! Woof. I am so excited to serve and teach my
(Sister Training Leaders-STL's is pretty much like Zone Leaders but
for sistas. So we go to meetings with President and then hold Zone
Training Meetings with the Zone Leaders to teach and instruct our Zone!
Zones are a compilation of a few Districts. There's about 5 English Zones
in my mission.)
#pumped #scared
We had a great week! We will hopefully be holding a baptism on
September 19th so pray for that! It's two little boys 9 and 11 :) and
the older brother is 15 and is going to be baptized as well but he lives in the
elder's area!
But the coolest thing happened. So my comp and I were going
to stop by our cute 76 year old investigator's home when we ran into a guy. He
stopped us and remembered we talked to him before. He pretty much just
laid out how he doesn't like how his life is and he really needs help.
We taught him about baptism and when he gets baptized he will be washed
of his sins and God will remember them no more. He was like.... wow okay
that sounds good. So we're going to have a member pick him up for
church next week and hopefully start teaching him this week :) Crazy how
sometimes God just hands you people he has prepared, it's just up to us
to listen to the spirit and recognize His hand.
Sis B and I randomly got slapped in the face with a cold this week.
Being sick wrecks lives. But it's okay because we are almost all
better. It was so funny though because we thought it was allergies at
first so we took allergy medicine- the kind that makes you tired. We had
to go knocking doors from 4-6 PM-- hahaha, I wish someone filmed us. We were slurring
our words to everyone and just could not focus. Some guy just paused and
laughed at us. Ya, we didn't get any new investigators that day. Haha
but it was an interesting one.
Yesterday we discussed "Having Good Intentions". It is not enough to just have good
intentions. But to ACT in faith and to accomplish much good with God on
our right hand and a consistent prayer in our hearts. Something I've
really thought about since I first became a Beehive was the division of
religion vs our "normal" day lives. I've come to realize that there is
not a division. This gospel of Jesus Christ IS our life. This is why we
are here. Not to just have a good intention of doing good in this world
but actually DOING IT. I have come to hate excuses. They're stupid. So
just do good, be good, and don't justify your actions. I will be working
on that as well.
LOVE YOU SCOUNDRELS! I feel your prayers every single day and I love you for it.
God bless.
-Your fav sister missionary
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